FAQs for Caregivers
Let us answer your questions!
How do I add/create my facility to The Care List?
To add a listing, first log in to your Care List account. Then, click on your account image and navigate to the "Submit a Daycare" and fill in all relevant information about your facility, such as description, location, age groups, book tour links and most importantly availability. Be sure to include high-quality photos of your facility and details that will help parents make an informed decision. Once completed, click "Submit" to submit your listing for review.
How do I update my availability?
You can update your availability by going to your account image and selecting "Your daycares" from the dropdown. From there you should see your facilities and can click on "edit." From there, update your availability and save the changes.
How often should I be updating my facility’s availability?
It's recommended to update your availability as soon as there are any changes, whether a spot opens up or a waitlist fills up. Keeping this information current helps parents trust your listing and improves your chances of filling vacancies quickly.
How do I delete a listing?
To delete a listing, go to your dashboard, find the listing you want to remove, and click "Delete." Confirm the action, and the listing will be permanently removed from The Care List.
You can delete your listing by going to your account image and selecting "Your daycares" from the dropdown. From there you should see your facilities and can click on the three little dots in the top right corner to click "close listing." You'll be asked to confirm and your facility will be removed.
I have more than one facility, how should I structure my account?
If you manage multiple facilities: This makes the most sense if multiple locations are managed by one person through a single email. You can create separate listings for each one under your main account. This helps to keep each facility’s information and availability organized and makes it easier for you to manage each of your listings without having to log in to separate accounts. Also, parent messages will be sent to the single email.
If you have multiple facilities managed by different people: This makes the most sense for franchise facilities where each location is individually operated. You can create separate accounts using the email associated with a location. This helps to keep each facility’s information and availability separate and organized. Parents messages will be sent to the email associated with each account.
What features are coming next?
We’re constantly working on new features to make managing your facility easier! Upcoming features include advanced analytics, a streamlined messaging system for communicating with parents, enhanced marketing tools to help attract more families and waitlist / booking tour embedded management. Keep an eye on our newsletter for updates.
Have an idea or a feature you'd like to see on The Care List? Send us an email at [email protected]
How do I add custom book tour links to my listing?
You can add custom book tour links by editing your listing. In the "Links" section, paste your booking link in the designated field. This will allow parents to easily book a tour of your facility through your preferred system.
How do I add my link to application or waitlist to my listing?
Adding a waitlist or application link is easy. Simply go to your listing's "Edit" page and locate the "Links" section. Paste your link in the "Join Waitlist" field, save the changes, and the link will appear on your listing for parents to access.
How do I request a feature?
We love hearing feedback from our users! If you have a feature you’d like to request, please use our contact form or email us directly at [email protected] with your suggestion.
How does The Care List market my facility?
The Care List markets your facility through filter search, targeted advertising (coming soon), search engine optimization (SEO), and social media marketing. We work to ensure that parents looking for care in your area can find your listing easily, whether through Google searches, on-page search or social platforms. We also have offline methods that we will be using such as trade shows, partnerships and more.
What types of facilities does The Care List allow?
The Care List welcomes daycares, day homes, preschools, and after-school programs that meet the standards for quality care. We allow licensed and unlicensed facilities but encourage full transparency in your listing so parents can make informed decisions.
How do I create and manage waitlists?
Currently The Care List only allows for you to embed your personal waitlist / application link into your facility's listing. We're currently working on our offerings.
Can I message parents directly through The Care List?
Yes, you can! The Care List includes a messaging feature within your dashboard. Currently, you can respond to inquiries and communicate with parents directly through the platform. This keeps all communication in one place for easy reference.
Can I see insights on how my listing is performing?
Not yet. We plan to offer performance analytics that show how many parents have viewed your listing, clicked on your book tour link, or joined your waitlist. These insights help you gauge your listing’s effectiveness and make adjustments if needed.
Can I offer discounts or promotions through my listing?
Yes, you can add promotional offers or discounts by updating your listing. In the "Promotions" section, enter the details of your offer, and it will appear on your listing for parents to see. You can use this to attract more families during enrollment periods.